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Exclusive Interview: EPYTHMiA Members Share Their Experience of Performing in LA!

Writer's picture: K FuseK Fuse

“Hi, HOPE! We are EPYTHIMiA!”

Our team had was granted an opportunity to talk to the members of EPITHYMiA about their time in LA. EPYTHMiA is a six-piece Japanese vocal and dance group -- consisting of Maito, K, R.D, Sirius and Reiya (Rei), new member AQUA -- under Beau.T. Entertainment, who recently made their first appearance in the US at Rising Japan MusicFest on July 23, 2023. EPITHYMiA covered songs from their seniors, KISHIN and AMAZO NIGHT– including fan favorite New Wave. EPITHYMiA has since released their very own single, "FLY" on August 29, 2023.

You can check out the full interview below.

1. Could you take a moment and introduce yourselves to the fans and tell us who is EPITHYMiA?

Maito: We are Japanese group EPITHYMiA. We’re on social media like TikTok and YouTube. We post everyday to our livestream and we’re dancing and singing. I’m Maito. I’m main dancer.

K: I’m EPITHYMiA’s main vocal. Hello, I’m K.

Rei: I’m Rei, EPITHYMiA’s main vocal.

Sirius: I’m Sirius. I’m EPITHYMiA’s vocalist.

RD: Hello…sorry, my voice is so noisy (RD had a sore throat.) Hi, I’m RD. I’m EPITHYMiA’s rapper and sound creator.

2. Why was your first impression when meeting each other? Was there another member you clicked with (got along with) instantly?

RD: Sirius. He’s clumsy and has a lot of accidents. At the stage… one minute… BAM RD impersonates Sirius falling down

3. Who are some of your role model artists / groups?

K: BTS. I respect that they can dance well and perform well as a team.

Maito: I respect BTS as well. Especially RM. He can speak English, dance, and perform. He’s a rapper and I’m also a rapper. I respect RM a lot and, of course, BTS as a whole. Other artists are SHINee, BIGBANG, and NCT. I really love K-Pop.

4. What is your favorite thing about America so far?

Maito: It’s the first time we come to USA.

Maito: I’m so surprised that everything is big. Like hamburgers or drinks. I went to coffee shops and each has a small size, medium size, large size. In that shop, there was only medium size, large size, and extra large size. USA’s medium size is larger than Japanese large size. Everything is very big and I was so surprised!

5. To K: do you have plans to cut your hair?

K: Not for right now! Sorry~

6. We see you all on TikTok Live and YouTube Live talking with HOPE almost every day. What have been some of your favorite moments during those lives?

RD: When we got 100,000 followers or 500,000 followers, we do a real time livestream to share that moment with HOPE together.

7. During your lives, you also perform short cover dances. Is there a member who learns choreography the quickest and helps the other members learn it?

All members point to Maito

Maito: Yeah, it’s me. Me and K teach the dance.

8. What does a typical day look like for you?

Maito: We wake up and maybe some members go running or do muscle training. Maybe they do training to wake up. We also do livestreaming on TikTok or YouTube. After that, we do training with singing or dancing. I’m so interested in studying English, so I watch English lesson videos on YouTube. Some members watch performance and lives.

RD: I do sound making.

Maito: RD is creative and makes the music. 

9. What genres of music are you looking forward to trying in the future?

Maito: Maybe Hip hop. We recently released our first original song. I think that song fits as a first song. We hope HOPE love our new music.

10. Is there anything you can tell us about your debut? (Date, Track List, Genre, Title Track, etc)

Maito: We’re predebut, but we will release our first song next month. (Fly was released August 29th)

11. Did you guys plan to have a WORLD TOUR after your DEBUT?

Maito: Last year, in June 2022, at that time, we didn’t think about any world tour. We saw we have so many overseas fans that support us, so of course now we want to possibly do a world tour.

12. Is there a message that you would like to leave for HOPE?

Maito: Hi HOPE! Thank you for always supporting us. Every comment and every message from you guys makes me happy and makes me smile. Thank you for that always and we will keep doing our best, so please support us forever! We love you!

K: Hello HOPE! Thank you for always supporting Thank you so much!

Rei: Hello HOPE! Thank you always supporting! 

Sirius: Hi HOPE! 

RD: Hi, my energy is so BIG! Thank you so much! Thank you for the big support, HOPE. Let’s enjoy EPITHYMiA’s world, EPITHYMiA’s music, and EPITHYMiA’s entertainment. Let’s enjoy it! Thank you so much.

Subscribe for full access to EPITHYMiA's Full Gallery from Rising Japan MusicFest

Our video interview with EPITHYMiA is now available on our YouTube channel!

Stay up to date with the members of EPITHYMiA on social media:

Written by: Emma V.

Edited by: K Fuse

Video by: Natasha A.


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